
Boss’ Brilliant Response To Employee Asking For Mental Health Day

Every boss is familiar with their employee requesting time off for a cold, the flu, or some other physical ailment. What ...

Can Calcium Supplements Lead To Painful Kidney Stones?

The Low Down on Kidney Stones Calcium supplements themselves have an important purpose to play in reducing your risk of ...

Is Having A Pet Dog Just Like Taking Probiotics For Your Gut Health?

There's no doubt about the fact that there are countless micro-organisms infesting offices and homes at all times. Peopl ...

New Study Shows Strong Link Between Loneliness And Cancer

For years it has been said that your mental health has a direct effect on your physical well being. Studies now show tha ...

6 Best Natural Sweeteners To Reduce Sugar In Your Diet The Healthy Way

Got an afternoon craving? Maybe you'll reach out for some sweets or that last slice of chocolate cake. Unfortunately, un ...

Neti Pots: What Exactly Are They And What Is The Right Way To Use Them?

Neti pots are nothing new, and people have been using them around the world for centuries (or longer). But surprisingly, ...

Can Swearing While You Exercise... Actually Make You Stronger?

WTF?! A recent study found that swearing during exercise makes you stronger. At the 2018 British Psychological Society&r ...

What Foods Do Healthy People Actually Eat For Breakfast?

If eating healthy was as easy as reading three words, we'd all have better diets and slimmer waistlines, but the truth i ...
