Protein Manufacturers and Bodybuilders

Bodybuilders often want to think that the results of their regimens are entirely within their control. They believe that as long as they work hard enough and adhere to the right diet and exercise schedule, they will accomplish their goals. However, at the end of the day, progress in bodybuilding partly relies on protein consumption. This means that bodybuilders depend on protein manufacturers in one way or another.

Protein manufacturers are certainly not above using a lots of technobabble in order to convince people to purchase their products. Even if they have a lot of scientific links attached to these pieces of marketing copy, it still isn't a guarantee that they actually can deliver. They are certainly going to advocate that people use protein supplements in the form of powder and shakes, even though protein certainly occurs naturally in food.

The Biological Value of Protein

Many protein manufacturers will judge the quality of protein through the use of its biological value. Some experts on nutrition will also agree that the biological value is one of the most important indicators of quality. The protein biological value is based on the body's ability to actually make use of the protein. It doesn't matter if a supplement has a high protein content if the body can't actually use it. In terms of ratings, a biological value of 100 means that all of the protein has been used by the body with no losses, so there is no superfluous protein.

The image of bodybuilders and athletes eating large quantities of eggs has merit: whole eggs have a biological value of 100. It is no wonder that vegans and vegetarians have to mix and match a lot of foods in order to get all of the protein that they need, since beans only have a biological value of 49.

Bodybuilders who are looking for supplements that will get the job done should try anything containing whey protein, which has a biological value of 100. However, when advertisements say that the biological value of whey protein is actually higher than 100, it is a good idea to distrust them in general. They're distorting the information.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Protein Supplements

Some bodybuilders will specifically take protein supplements because whey protein powder is often low enough in calories and fat that it will help people meet certain fitness goals that are harder to meet while eating normal foods. Most normal foods high in protein are also high in calories and fats.

However, people will also get more metabolic stimulation from consuming whole foods in the first place. The net calories that people end up with will often be lower than the calories that they ingested in the first place from the food for this reason. This benefit is often not in place in the case of supplements.

There is also no getting around the fact that protein supplements cost a lot of money. A gram of protein from protein supplements will often cost six times as much as a gram of protein from food. For bodybuilders that are consuming this sort of material all the time, the costs are certainly going to add up quickly.

However, there is at least one manufacturer's claim that is hard to dispute: consume protein supplements is just more convenient. It takes a lot of time and energy to cook a lot of chicken breasts and eggs every single day. Most bodybuilders would prefer to invest that sort of time and energy into their exercise schedules, since expending some energy here and there in the form of grocery shopping and cooking is not going to give them six packs.

It is true that the costs of the supplements will add up quickly and people will need to order more of them. However, it is also true that protein supplements are easily ordered online. Even people who get their groceries delivered will have a hard time matching the convenience of protein supplements in that regard.

Protein Consumption and Diminishing Returns

It should be noted that a lot of bodybuilders already get a lot of protein through diet. Eating more protein will not always promote the development of more muscle mass. Eventually, bodybuilders who will try to add more protein to their diets will get diminishing returns.

Final Thoughts

However, high-protein supplements can allow people to take in more protein every three hours or so. Few people could ever eat chicken or eggs this frequently, even if they ate a lot of small portions throughout the day. Food definitely helps a lot, and it should serve as the backbone of every bodybuilder's regimen in addition to exercise. However, the protein supplements, provided that they are actually protein supplements with a high biological value, can certainly give bodybuilders the boost that they need. Supplements can offer a boost, and that can be enough.