Today, nearly 55 million Americans suffer from stiff and achy joints, so it’s no wonder that countless brands are pumping out joint health supplements that promise to boost mobility and ease joint discomfort.1

Unfortunately, a majority of these joint supplements simply don’t work and the reasons for this may surprise you. First, many brands use cheap generic ingredients or ineffective dosages. Others use well-known ingredients that aren't bioavailable, and still others contain potentially dangerous ingredients. Finding a joint supplement that can deliver results all comes down to three key indicators: quality, clinically studied ingredients, and doctor formulation.

So if you’re not investing in a quality joint supplement that includes these 3 factors, you're most likely wasting your money and may even be putting your health at risk. But with so many joint health supplements flooding the market, it can be difficult to pick the right one for you.

Smarter Reviews has compiled months of research about this emerging category. We’ll show you what to look for and what to avoid in a joint health supplement, and how it can help transform your health.

Which Ingredients Should I Look For?

During our research, we discovered that there are key ingredients clinically proven to help support joint well-being and boost overall health. They each have their own benefits, but when taken together, they pack a serious punch. Many of these ingredients are commonly used in joint health supplements, but it's important to make sure your supplements contain name-brand ingredients — not generic — and effective doses. 


Astaxanthin is a rare naturally occurring carotenoid commonly consumed by marine animals.2  Boasting powerful antioxidant abilities, it's clinically proven to aid joints, support cardiovascular and eye health, and prevent cellular and tissue damage, which can lead to disease.Clinical tests show it outperforms Glucosamine and Chondroitin.


Used in traditional remedies for thousands of years, this tree extract helps curb discomfort by moderating our bodies' natural inflammatory responses. It has even been shown to work better than some over-the-counter NSAID medications.5 Clinical studies show certain types of boswellia can start easing joint discomfort as soon as 7 days,6,7 with a significant improvement after 2 months.8   

Hyaluronic Acid

Naturally produced by your body, hyaluronic acid is found in the synovial fluid of your joints. This fluid lubricates your joints, decreasing friction while you move, which minimizes the likelihood of your bones grinding together and causing discomfort. In people with arthritis, hyaluronic acid levels have deteriorated, creating flexibility issues, soreness, and achy joints. Extensive research shows that this ingredient is extremely effective at relieving joint discomfort and improving flexibility.9

 Type II Collagen

Containing the building blocks of joint cartilage, Type II Collagen has a significant effect on reducing swelling, discomfort, and degradation in joints. It has demonstrated therapeutic value to aid connective tissue health, as well as improving discomfort, mobility, and ease of motion for people with joint conditions.10

Is Eggshell Membrane Worth The Hype?

Eggshell membrane has recently started making waves in the health community. But does this commonly-discarded ingredient really live up to the hype?

Surprisingly, it does. The thin lining or membrane of the eggshell is loaded with naturally-occurring collagen. While not all collagen works the same within the body, the collagen in eggshells— Types I, V, and X — is actually incredibly powerful for joint health. 

In a recent human clinical trial with eggshell membrane, participants noted increased flexibility within 7 days, 70% reduction of symptoms after 2 months.11

Eggshell Membrane is an extremely powerful and safe therapeutic option for joint discomfort and inflexibility.

Beware Of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, & MSM

Glucosamine and Chondroitin  

Glucosamine and chondroitin are two of the most popular joint health ingredients, but there's no conclusive evidence that they improve mobility and manage discomfort. In fact, some clinical trials even show that they're no better than a placebo. What's worse is that these ingredients come with some bad side effects, such as rashes, headaches, diarrhea, upset stomach, fatigue, and heartburn


MSM is another popular joint health ingredient that you should avoid at all costs. Some studies have found that MSM can cause liver damage in high doses. 

The Definitive Joint Health Supplement Checklist

Only Clinically Proven

It's the golden rule. Look for clinically studied ingredients that have been proven to deliver results. Though many joint supplements contain  boswellia, hyaluronic acid, carotenoids, and collagen, not all have been clinically tested. Studies confirm that clinically tested ingredients are 10 and sometimes even 100 times more effective than their generic counterparts.

Bioavailable Ingredients

In addition to being clinically proven, your joint health ingredients need to be bioavailable, that is, able to make it into your bloodstream. Traditional formulations of Boswellia and Astaxanthin break apart during metabolization, failing to reach your joints to deliver benefit. Make sure these ingredients have been formulated with a lipid layer, which allows them to make it into your bloodstream and deliver the therapeutic benefits to your joints. Otherwise you're just wasting your money.


Health supplements are virtually always more effective and safe when formulated by a doctor specializing in the field and joint health is no exception.

Bonus: Complimentary Trial & Money-Back Guarantee

The best brands believe in their products and will allow you to try them completely risk-free with a complimentary trial and comprehensive return policy. 

Clinically studied and safe ingredients are critical for the results you want, but they aren't the only characteristics to look for on a joint health supplement label. There are other key factors we considered while picking out our top five products. 

2 Things To Avoid

Generic Ingredients 

Too many health brands have been cutting costs by using cheaper, generic ingredients. This is likely why you or someone you know have tried a joint health supplement without any results. It's critical to find a supplement with 100% clinically proven ingredients.

Reviews On Amazon

Up to 60% of Amazon reviews are written by individuals paid to leave positive feedback. Risking your health with reviews that are likely false is too dangerous a game to play when you’re choosing an ingestible supplement.

Our Specialized Ranking System

At Smarter Reviews, we employ a comprehensive evaluation system to analyze and measure the full value of products, by looking at the ingredients, safety, projected effectiveness, return policies, and overall customer satisfaction. This method is known as the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

The 5 Best Joint Health Supplements On The Market

Based on our own extensive research, the metrics provided by our Smarter Reviews Ranking System, and consideration of numerous reviews by Smarter Shoppers just like you, we've compiled a list of what we've found to be the top five products in 
this category, on the market today.