We all get moody at some point in our lives. Of course, for some people, it is more problematic than others.

Whether you are constantly struggling with your moods or just deal with a bit of melancholy/depression, anxiety, or other uncomfortable feelings from time to time, there are organic supplements to help you.

These all-natural mood supplements can not only improve your mood and overall well-being, but also act as an energy booster.

With such a huge selection of supplements to choose from, we’ve compiled the information you need to know when choosing a mood-boosting supplement, including what ingredients they often contain and what to look for in a supplement.

Afterwards, you’ll find short reviews of five of the top-selling mood-boosting supplements currently available, making it even easier to choose the perfect supplement for you.

Could You Benefit from a Mood Booster?

If you are worried you may be having mental health issues, you need to consult your physician immediately.

That said, even if you aren’t completely certain you need a mood booster, you may find them beneficial. This is especially true for anyone who:

Feels depressed, sad, or overwhelmed

Has periods of crying for no reason

Feels anxious, nervous, or stressed out

Often experiences severe mood swings

Often feels their life is stuck in a rut

Just isn’t happy, for a specific reason or not

Common Ingredients Found in Mood Supplements

For centuries, a wide array of herbs, vitamins, and minerals have been used to boost moods. Those most commonly used include:

  1. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is the most extensively researched adaptogen herb and is known for its antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. (1) Due to its ability to improve our resistance to stress, it has been shown to enhance our self-assessed quality of life.
  2. Passion flower: Passion flower is thought to relieve anxiety and insomnia by boosting the level of GABA (a neurotransmitter) in your brain. (2) Low GABA levels have been linked to a depressed mood. (3)
  3. Kava kava: In several studies, kava kava has been shown to enhance mood, contentment, and overall well-being, while also producing a feeling of relaxation. (4)
  4. Eleuthero: Eleuthero root is often referred to as an “underrated adaptogen” that has powerful benefits as a natural mood enhancer. (5)
  5. Rhodiola: Another adaptogen that helps balance stress hormones and decrease the symptoms of depression. (6)
  6. Chromium: Scientists at Duke University have found that chromium has significant effects on anyone struggling with atypical depression, including a substantial decrease in symptoms without any side effects. (7)
  7. Vitamins: A variety of vitamins, including B, C, and magnesium, have demonstrated an ability to affect mood. For example, the B-complex vitamins are crucial for cell metabolism, which is necessary to stabilize nerve cell membranes. (8)

What to Consider When Choosing a Mood-Boosting Supplement

Just as you would with any type of supplement, there are certain things to consider when selecting a supplement. Here are a few tips you need to know:

Ingredients Trump Price

Don’t automatically reject the least expensive or purchase the most expensive supplement. Instead, pay attention to the ingredients and what they have to offer.

Reputation Matters

Look for manufacturers you can trust. When a supplement company has been in business for decades, there’s usually a reason why. They tend to produce high-quality supplements that actually work. Gravitate toward them and do your research on any brand you have never heard of.

Check for a Return Policy

Opt for a manufacturer that accepts returns. In some cases, a supplement simply won’t work for you. Be sure you can return it for a refund, so you don’t lose any money.


Now, that you have a better understand of mood supplements and how you can benefit from their use, it’s time to look at some of the most popular brands on the market. At Smarter Reviews, we employ a comprehensive evaluation system to analyze and measure the full value of products. This is based on ingredients, safety, potential effectiveness, return policies, and overall customer satisfaction. We call our method the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

TOP 5 Mood Supplements

Now, it's time to look at five of the top mood supplements.