When it comes to lip balm, there is no shortage of options to choose from. You can find flavored and unflavored, clear or tinted, medicated and unmedicated. It can seem like there’s an endless selection, which is why it shouldn’t come as any surprise that all lip balms are not the same. This is also what makes choosing a lip balm so difficult.

If you are searching for the right lip balm, the following tips for what to look for when choosing one will be beneficial. In addition, you’ll find information on how and when to use lip balm, as well as the top benefits it offers. At the end, we’ve compiled a list of five of the top lip balms currently on the market and reviewed them for you. Let’s get started.

The Benefits of Using Lip Balm

It’s impossible to list all the reasons you’ll benefit from using lip balm, so here’s a quick rundown of the top four.  

It acts as a moisturizer

When your lips are dry, they quickly become chapped and begin to peel and crack. Not only can this be painful, but it can also be ugly. Thanks to its moisturizing abilities, lip balm can prevent this from happening, leaving your lips feeling and looking amazing.

It helps your skin heal faster

The skin on your lips is very thin, which makes it slow to heal when it becomes cracked and dry. A thin layer of lip balm seals in moisture and offers protection, speeding up the healing time of your lips.

It helps ensure your lips look beautiful

Using lip balm regularly helps your lips maintain a supple, healthy, and youthful appearance. If you want to add a bit of color, there are options that can do that. If you prefer a natural look, they can add a sheen.

Some types offer protection from the sun

There are plenty of lip balms that include SPF, providing vital protection from harmful UV rays.

How and When to Use Lip Balm

Lip balm is easy to apply. Simply start in the center of your upper lip. From there, work to the outer edges of your lip, being sure to follow your mouth’s contours. Then, sweep it across your entire bottom lip.

When to apply lip balm is largely your decision. You may want to use it every day or only when you are dealing with chapped lips. Regardless, it is a good idea to apply lip balm every night before you go to sleep to keep them adequately moisturized and to prevent chapping.

What to avoid in a lip balm

To help you narrow down your possibilities, you will want to do the following:  

Avoid lip balms made with potentially toxic ingredients

Be sure to select a lip balm that is free of parabens, phthalates, chemical fragrances or flavors, and chemical dyes (often identified with a # next to them).

Stay away alum, camphor, or menthol

While these ingredients produce a nice tingle, they tend to dry your lips out in the long run. Salicyclic acid, which exfoliates your lips, also does this.

What you should try to get

  1. Opt for a lip balm made with natural products. This includes beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, and nut oils.
  2. It’s a good idea to consider one that includes sunscreen. However, there are certain types of sunscreens that you will want to avoid.
  3. Decide between clear and tinted. Many lightly-tinted lip balms are available if you want to add a bit of color to your lips.


Now, that you have a better understand of lips balms and how you can benefit from their use, it’s time to look at some of the most popular models on the market. At Smarter Reviews, we employ a comprehensive evaluation system to analyze and measure the full value of products. This is based on component quality, safety, potential effectiveness, return policies, and overall customer satisfaction. We call our method the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

TOP 5 Lip Balms

Now, it's time to look at five of the top lip balms.