It’s a fact. Our cognitive abilities, particularly memory, reasoning, and processing speed, gradually decline with time. (1) However, you don’t have to resign yourself to the inevitable.

Cognitive enhancers, also referred to as nootropics or smart drugs, are supplements, drugs, and other substances that have demonstrated an ability to improve cognitive function, especially in the areas of memory, concentration, alertness, and motivation in healthy people. (2) Interested?

Here's a quick introduction to cognitive enhancers, as well as what to look for and avoid in supplements. Below, you'll also find reviews of five of the top options currently on the market.

What are Cognitive Enhancers?

Cognitive enhancers range from all-natural supplements to drugs that are entirely made from synthetic ingredients. (3) Natural supplements often include a variety of nutrients and herbs, such as:


Plays a key role in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is crucial in cognition, memory, and learning


A compound that promotes alertness, attention, and concentration (4)


An amino acid that increases electrical activity in your nerve cells, helping mitigate age-related memory loss


Plant with a long history of being used to protect the brain from free radical damage and improve short-term memory


Helps build healthy brain cell membranes, while reducing the effects of free radical damage (a common cause of brain aging)

Vitamins B12 (cobalamin) and D

Essential brain nutrients that are thought to increase alertness, improve memory, and enhance concentration and attention span (5)


A potent neuroprotector that balances neurotransmitters, increases cerebral blood flow, and enhances memory


Increases serotonin levels and is highly neuroprotective against toxins

What to Avoid in a Cognitive Enhancer

When shopping for a cognitive enhancer, here are a few reasons why you should check the label, and maybe try another brand.

questionable manufacturers

If you aren’t sure about a manufacturer, look them up online. Look for product reviews, as well as the official website. If anything makes you suspicious, keep looking.

Be wary of most supplements made overseas

Designer handbags, clothes, and shoes aren’t the only cheap knockoffs made overseas. Supplements can be, too, which could be dangerous, as quality standards may be lower or even nonexistent.

Drastic difference in price compared to competition

If you come across a nootropic that is significantly cheaper than its counterparts, alarm bells should start to go off in your head. Remember: quality costs money.

What to Look for in a cognitive enhancer

Not all cognitive enhancers are the same, even if they share many similar ingredients. Here's what you want to keep in mind when shopping:

Start simple

You don’t necessarily need a nootropic that contains a long list of ingredients. You may find that a cognitive enhancer with just a few nutrients and herbs works perfectly for you.

Consider your specific goals

If you are most concerned about memory, look for a nootropic with ingredients geared toward enhancing your memory. If your major concern is attention and focus, look for ingredients that target these areas.

Opt for a reputable brand

Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated by the FDA. This is why it is important to look for brands you can trust.


Now, that you have a better understanding of cognitive enhancers and how you can benefit from their use, it’s time to look at some of the most popular products on the market.

At Smarter Reviews, we employ a comprehensive evaluation system to analyze and measure the full value of products. This is based on component quality, safety, potential effectiveness, return policies, and overall customer satisfaction. We call our method the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

TOP 5 Cognitive enhancers

Using our ranking system and other research, here are the Smarter Reviews Picks for 2018's Top 5 Cognitive Enhancers.