Are you considering taking a calcium supplement? Calcium is absolutely essential for good bone health, yet it is a mineral that we often forget about.

Calcium is crucial for bone health and is a must for good bone health throughout your life. Too little calcium as a child can prevent you from growing to your full adult height. Too little calcium as an adult can lower your bone mass, a condition known as osteopenia.

To help you decide if you should invest in a calcium supplement, here is a quick look at why you need one, as well as information on what to look for and what to avoid in a calcium supplement.

Why Do You Need a Calcium Supplement?

Not everyone needs a calcium supplement, especially if you eat a varied, healthy diet. But they are essential for a calcium-deficient diet. Here's why:

Strong bones

Osteopenia increases your risk of developing osteoporosis. Osteoporosis weakens your bones, making you more prone to fractures and delaying their healing time.

These fractures may be caused by the slightest thing, such as bumping into furniture or coughing. Around 1 in 4 women and 1 in 17 men over the age of 65 have osteoporosis. (1)

Many did not know this until they broke a bone. While osteoporosis is primarily seen in the elderly, it can affect adults as young as 20 years old. (2)

Proper Muscle Function

When your calcium levels are low, your muscles can cramp. This is because calcium is necessary for nerve impulses to transmit information between nerve fibers.


The better shape your bones are in, the easier it is for your body to be flexible. Increased flexibility becomes increasingly important as we age to help prevent injuries, especially from falls.

What to Avoid in a Supplement

When shopping for a calcium supplement, here are a few reasons why you should check the label, and maybe try another brand.

Ingredients that may contain lead

Avoid supplements that contain certain ingredients. This includes dolomite, coral, bone meal, and unrefined oyster shell. They could contain lead or other toxic metals.

include considerably more calcium than you need

While calcium is crucial for your health, too much calcium has been known to cause kidney stones and the calcification of soft tissue.

require you to take a large dose at one time

It’s best to take small doses (no more than 500 mg) several times throughout the day. (3) This facilitates absorption and can help alleviate side effects, such as bloating, constipation, and gas.

What to Look for in a Calcium Supplement

There are several things you should consider when selecting a calcium supplement. Following the tips below will help you narrow down your options.

Look at the form of calcium

Typically calcium is available in combination with a second substance, primarily citrate or carbonate. (4) Citrate is more easily absorbed by your body, but it is only 21% calcium, meaning that you likely have to take a greater number of pills to meet your daily requirements.

On the other hand, carbonate contains the highest amount of elemental calcium (around 40% by weight), but it does require stomach acid for proper absorption. This means it is best taken with food.

You’ll have to decide which is best for you. However, if you frequently forget to take your supplements with meals, you will probably get the most benefit from calcium citrate.

Opt for a supplement that contains vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Although they don’t necessarily have to be taken together to work, taking a combination supplement will likely be easier than taking two different supplements.

Magnesium and zinc are two other minerals that help with bone health, so look for these as well.

Pay attention to the amount of elemental calcium

This is the actual amount of calcium in the supplement. Look at the serving size so that you know exactly how much is in each tablet.


Now, that you have a better understand of calcium supplements and how you can benefit from their use, it’s time to look at some of the most popular products on the market. At Smarter Reviews, we employ a comprehensive evaluation system to analyze and measure the full value of products. This is based on component quality, safety, potential effectiveness, return policies, and overall customer satisfaction. We call our method the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

TOP 5 Calcium SUpplements

Now, it's time to look at five of the calcium supplements.