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5 Things Your Lips Say About Your Health

We’re living in a world obsessed with selfies, and of course, the perfect selfies calls for the perfect pair of li ...

The Real Reason Your Skin Is So Oily

Oily skin can be frustrating, and the bad news is that it is based on your genetics. Yes, there are things you can do to ...

10 Easy Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Nine times out of ten, the face is the first thing you notice about a person. The face can tell you a lot about someone. ...

10 Reasons Washing Your Makeup Brush Is Crucial

You clean your clothes to remove dirt and grime. You wash your dishes to get rid of leftover food. You wash things to pr ...

Manscara, Coming To a Makeup Aisle Near You

Long gone are the days where guys separate from their girls as they reach the makeup aisle. The winds of change now brin ...

Meet The Fiercely Beautiful “Queen Of The Dark”

The last time I checked, the year was 2019; a time when society was supposed to be way past judging people by the color ...

7 Easy Tricks To Help You Fight Aging And Dehydrated Skin

Do you ever wish to have that youthful and glowing skin? Well, you’re not alone. Most women begin to notice a chan ...

Supermodel With Rare Skin Disease Talks About Real Beauty

Most people have a certain mental image of what a model looks like—tall, flawless, and impeccably dressed, with gl ...
