Probiotics have been a hot topic in the past few decades, and they’re only getting more newsworthy. These tiny critters support the balance of healthy bacteria in our stomach, which can aid in digestion, mental clarity, and a host of other functions.

Can they also help benefit the health of your skin? According to years of research, the answer may be yes. Below are three ways probiotics promote beautiful skin:

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  • 1. They Help It Glow
  • Adding probiotics to your exfoliating routine can boost your skin's dewiness. One strand of lactic acid bacteria called s. thermophilus was found to help reinforce ceramide production, which aids in keeping skin calm and clear.1

    The popular probiotic strain L. rhamnosus has been shown to help benefit your skin’s clarity.2 Even better, it may thrive in stomachs with a higher acid content. This means that you might not have to worry about L. rhamnosus surviving in harsh conditions long enough to do its job.3
  • 2. They Support Its Strength
  • Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and the strongest shield against the outside environment. That said, it’s essential to keep it in top shape so that it can continue to perform its protective duty.

    A study found that the probiotic Lactobacillus johnsonii can promote your skin’s immune system when UV exposure is present. The results suggest that this probiotic may have a significant and beneficial influence on immune system responses.4

    Another strand, L. acidophilus, helps boost healthy skin when included as part of a supplement. This type of probiotic aids in maintaining the correct pH of the colon and helps promote favorable conditions for pathogenic bacteria, which assists in enhancing overall skin health.5
  • 3. They Keep It Young
  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) helps nurture our skin’s strength and tightness. Though it naturally exists in our bodies, it can decrease as we get older, which is why HA tends to be an active ingredient in age-defying skin creams.

    (Interestingly enough, the commercial form of HA is produced by microbial fermentation with the bacteria Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Several studies suggest that probiotics may assist the production of HA.

    Another plus is that some probiotics may produce proteins that bind collagen together, and helps maintain skin firmness and structure.6

The probiotic and Skin Health Connection 

With so much research suggesting a real connection between the future of probiotics and our skin health, it’s no wonder that people are searching for dermatological probiotic supplements.7 

One tip is to look for a supplement that includes the strains shown to have the most promise with regard to skin health: L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, and S. thermophilus. By implementing these probiotic strains into your daily routine,
you can expect your skin to look gorgeous and glowing in no time.

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  1. Science Daily.
  2. American Society for Microbiology. D. W. Schaffner, Editor. 07/11/2014. vol. 80 no. 18, 5773-5781
  3. Global Healing Center. Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM. 09/03/2015.
  4. U.S. National Library Of Medicine/ National Institutes of Health.
  5. Richard Weir. 08/25/2015.
  6. British Journal of Dermatology. D. Bouilly-Gauthier, C. Jeannes, Y. Maubert, L. Duteil, C. Queille-Roussel, N. Piccardi, C. Montastier, P. Manissier, G. Piérard,J.-P. Ortonne. 6/9/2010. Volume 163, Issue 3. September 2010. Pages 536–543. 
  7. Jennifer Porteus. 3/13/2014.